date : Saturday, November 24, 2007
Few days since i ever blogged.
Had been staying at home recently except on Wednesday (21 Nov).
Went to
Laogong's cousin
hse for her friend
bday bbq.
eat and eat. damn fat
alr liaos luhs.
Thursday ( 22 Nov )
Happy 6
th month anniversary with
laogong :
DDD& and happy birthday to
shuluan's meimei.
Didnt went out with
laogong cause i had netball
trainin at RP.
Arghhs. coach made me play WA first, followed by GS ( forced to, cause no other
ppls got play shooter b4 and they started aiming for me -BULLY !- )
after awhile, coach asked me whether if i could play C.
slient- & -
harFACE -
Then she says that i can play WA means i could play C.
ARGHHSTired - tired - TIRED.
Blogshop finally opened.
started with
LittleMissTees first.
& i feel like it
doesnt looks like a good start for me. ):
Laogong couldnt use
Internet as his modem is confiscated.
-i need money urgently . ):
date : Wednesday, November 21, 2007
AHHHH. i wan cheap supplier for onlineblogshop.
Just a lil business minded thinking (:
Recently just Netball training, friendly matches. Attended one wedding. Plus emoing for days. i cried till like small eyes monster ytd night, but everything ish fine now :D just my stupid thinking. Coach gonna choose only 15 players from the 25 of us for nxt month trainin shedule. Scary thingy.
date : Saturday, November 17, 2007
No wordy wordy post for me. was lazy
and not in mood to blog.dont ask me i'm fine not or not. Cause i'm not fine.gonna be a saddist soon.. hais.
date : Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Ah hahas. My gan AhKor ( Weehock known as Sebastian) told me that he was in The New Paper Newspaper yesterday. I was like, " you solve rape cases har ?" then he said " nope, it's molest case "
LOLs. - clap clap-
i found this.,4136,147692,00.html? .
THERE ! i saw his face. :D
hahhas, he still so "fat " ever since dont noe when.
Today, woke up at 1 plus. && there wasnt any msg from laogong. ):
sadded. i want baby go bite him..
he ish attending his cousin bdae celebration, so no East coast for me.
date : Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Yesterday had a friendly match with Northbrook and Woodgrove. There would be 2 more time respectively at Northbrook and lastly our school. Each school were suppose to have 2 teams. and mine ish F, mostly with the sec 2s. ): cant really coordinate with them well as i dont noe how they normally played. but it's still enjoyable with them :D Melissa, Jasmine and Nardirah. Each teams were to play 5 quarters and our team manage to have 3 points as we won one quarter. There was one team from Northbrook scored zero. x: i managed to be choosen for the top 7. Surprisingly. i felt that even i was chosen to be in the top 7, i may drop out of it through the holidays training? Cause coach choose it by guessing. So to the others, Jiayous okies ? dont be dishearted, the main 12 isnt out yet. :P
i saw Meldryne ( her name like so chim to remember the spelling x:). & she smiled to me on the match. Her shooting skill not bad ( GA from woodgrove sec) ! -wink- and she played center ( C ) for the top 7 game. didnt managed to say bye to her when the whole thing ended. She's alize twin-ny. Cause people said that they look somehow alike.
Alright i forgot to mention that our school shared the same coach with Northbrook and Woodgrove.
i'm rotting at home soon. still no jobs being recommended. my pockets had a big big hole in it, even my hand can go through. ==
&& there's nth for today. (:
date : Sunday, November 11, 2007
oh, i'm so fuck up. my blog doesnt seems to have the closing line for my post at the bottom of the page. anybody help ?
date :
Monday, Cavana.
Saturday. Science Centre.
The 2 Child tickets.

hahas, you cnnt see me.

:D something wrong with my arm.
plus that i look so stiff. argghs, Noob.

Baby ar baby, see. i caught you red handed.

:E my teddy bear. muacks.
date : Saturday, November 10, 2007
Laogong and i went to somewhere today.
Guess what.
it's Science Centre. x:
There was a huge problem with my dumb phone! Whenever i reached the Mrt Station, my phone seem to unable to access network ( my dear Starhub). That means i'm not able to dial a call or send out messages. Somehow stupid and made me had to use the public phone. This happened twice, on tuesday and today.
My precious phone, could you kindly whisper to me and tell me what happen to you? Emo-ing? Or is it that i hurted you aplenty of times ?( by dropping it x:) I must cure you without further ado.
After 5 times of switching on and off my phone, Laogong finally called me.
He was at woodland station while i'm at sembawang waiting for him as i'm worried he would come to sembawang since my phone was down before that. Went up to the platform and walked to the middle. i saw Laogong when the train reached woodland. He wore a dark purple polo tee. Stupid pig, copied me. x: but my top was a different shade of purple from his. We sat at the two person seat and Baby started talking due to excitement. :D
Reached Jurong East and we alighted. The weather was balmy, not too hot and not too cold. So i knew how to walk to Science Centre alr! Somehow simply just head straight. Bought a drumstick along the way for some bites.
Both of us bought the CHILD ticket as he was just 16 +. His birthday is not over yet but coming really soon. ( Same day as Alize's mother birthday ). Time for exploring in the Science Centre. :D abit disappointed due to the crowd of visitors there. I even saw Raffles guy with long pants there acting as if it's there first time coming to Science Centre. There is one machine called something like " shadow froze " ? Laogong said it was scary and he doesnt want to try it another time. -hmmphs- Saw a big big edible crab in the aquarium area. ( yummy, i miss eating black pepper crabs). And there was one area with 3 tubes of water plus bubble. the first one have lower dont noe what ( maybe less dense? ) middle one contain oil and the third one have higher blahs blahs ( denser? ). The bubble produce by the third one was magnificent. :D Marvellous. There was a another tube of water containing water with Ring-ed bubble. It written on the board that Scientist believes dolphin use this ring-ed bubble to detect its environment. Cool hur. x: Arghs, Laogong said that i sound like a kid today. HAHAs.
Ate Mcdonald after that, and baby was out to eat too. She tried drinking my drinks as Laogong's one was alr empty. Then walked to Jurong East plaza for some digestion as my mother told me after each meal we should not sit down. because we would have tummy and big butt. ( i'm not saying that you cnnt sit lahs, at least stand for 10 mins. LOLs )
Laogong tried to grab a toy but couldnt. ): 2 tries, but failed. Rahhs, bite the machine. CHEAT MONEY. After that we took the train and he sent me home.
-cries cries-
date : Friday, November 9, 2007
Erms, i will just kept my post short for now. x:
Monday had netball training in school. 3 to 6.
Really burnt my fats. LOLs.
Still had some muscle aching now.
The sec 3 & 4 had green and orange shoes lases ;
while the sec 2 had pink!
Went watching movie with laogong and baby on Tuesday ;
' Game Plan '
Ate Cavana before that and walked around in Sunplaza.
After movie he sent me home and ended the day with the sweetest kiss.
YESSSSSSSss lahs. end of HIprogramme ( :D, i know i'm abit too slow )
Proudly didnt hand in my maths assignment. x:
Cause i saw wei cheong & kuan hoe copying in class!
They said that if they didnt hand in, Mr lim would those ppls to return to sch.
But tdy ish Friday and nth happened ! -winkwink-
Went Bugis with my mother and bought a " fat leaf " dress.
somehow resemble the "leaf"
& i isnt that small size anymore.
Friday ( which ish today !)
Stayed at home.
but i doesnt like my austere life.
-Laogong, bring me out...
i dont want holiday to attenuate our love.
Hope tomorrow outing would be augur well. x:
date : Sunday, November 4, 2007
Alright, i just have to post something before i start my mathematics assignment.
Boring morning, dull afternoon, uninteresting night.
Plainly Neopet. When will those new games from Asia Soft etc Cabal online & GrandChase be out? I have been cravingly waiting for it.
Arghhs, i'm bored until out of words. Never mind ~
Lets have a look at my cutest Baby.
Baby told me that she was lonely because she doesnt have any peers. ):
Blahsblahs, boring~
School tomorrow again. & netball training after that. Pizzahut after training ? :D
date : Friday, November 2, 2007
date :
Yes lahs, finally first week of HIP ish over.
THREE MORE DAYS TO GO.We went to Republic Poly that day for training that day. & the coach was someone familiar. She was the umpire for North Zone competition at Singapore Sport Sch. Quite soft-spoken and she's a Malay. ( i'm nt trying to be racist. ) i did nth much for the first day as the duration was less than an hour because my class were held back in school for Amath lesson. my class netballer and i managed to find our way to the sports hall w/o asking anyone. Simply because there were no sight of anybody. Pathetic. We went one round and realised actually there was a shorter way. Instead of taking the stairs, we took the lift and to a passage with only white walls, camera and doors. Eerie kind of feeling as if you were walking in a maze. == The direction to sports hall label was only paper pasted on some of the walls.
i'm currently still struggling for my Mathematics. Somehow, i did realise that my Mathematics result was dropping. Perhaps the things taught in Term 1,2 and 3 i had already forgotten. More and more formulas for the sin, cos & tan thingy.
restless. How i hope this chapter isnt there.
Today was another rainy day. Met laogong at Sembawang station platform and we went to Marsiling to find Jiamin and Alize to slack. Reached Alize hse about 4.25pm and we just plainly sat there and chat. We didnt get to go to Limban for lan -ing. Laogong had to go home for dinner. ): And Jiamin doesnt want to go Causeway Point with me. So you dont blame me that i dont wanna go out with you arhs.
Recently, i found out that teenager in grps are Crap? ( Bo liao ) For no reason, likes to disturb me. == Even in KFC. Since you people are so free, go get a job man. Stop all this
craps, because i cant see you ppls face in such distance. I have my laogong already.
&& it seems that this kind of thing happened only if laogong couldnt send me home. ( rarely)
Oh ya, Meiyin's birthday ish coming up in 3 days time. sadly it falls on Monday which we have Netball training with Mr Roslan as coach cnnt make it. So any outing or celebration ? :D