
date : Sunday, March 2, 2008
My husband gonna be a business man in the future !
He's now pursuing for his Diploma in Financial Management in private school Kaplan. ;DD
however.. he wasted 1 whole year in NYP.

Laogong told me that NYP's attachment sucks. His cousin studied business course but ended up getting an attachment relating to Engineering. like duhs. ==

Friday, after the chinese mock paper,i went home. So sorry ppls, i forgotten abt the class noticeboard which was due that day. ); Was it completed ?
For the rest of the afternoon, i went to sleep. Z monster looking for me.

Saturday. I went to the career fair with laogong. That's when he was looking for Private sch to take his diploma. For the past few weeks, he was frustrated as SIM doesnt have his desire course and had to choose business management. Plus the fees wasnt a small amt. If i didnt rmb wrongly, all the installment added up to 13k ? idk ;D and the requirement were 5 credit with English including.

But now, no worry, (: Kaplan will be there for him. kick SIM asses. x;
I saw Adam khoo's face on one of the booth's banner. lols. Why no Stuart ? );

&& Marina bay was goin to have Marina bay sands. Few years down the road. More than 5 -7 ?
A place where tourism would be attracted. NICE ! With dont know how many seats of performance theater and maybe restaurants? And a beautiful, elegant place for holding wedding dinner. I told laogong that our wedding would be there. Marina Bay sand, i'll be waiting for you. (; You know what, it was already employing ppls alr. ! i asked laogong to take their Name card which was gold in colour.
There was a fake kinda of building on which how Marina bay sand was goin to look like. It was long the sea. i saw a huge crystal thing on the fake sea.

Me : You see, got icebergs.
Laogong : hahas. (;

There was booth on Casino thingy. If i can, i wanna learn Casino skills toooooo ! COOL LEHS. Then i will be like earning ppl's money and see them being in debt. ;x Evil people.

Halfway through, laogong's cousin and his gf came. I think they are clever people. ((((:
Had dinner together. While both of the guys went to buy food, she talked to me. asking how old m i all that. i guessed she was surprise that i was Secondary
4. Scally i got chaolaobin. ==
After dinner, they went for movie and we went home. Whole train journey, we were looking at the brochures. and i went home myself.

Should tell laogong that criminal escaped, so he needed to send me home );
DANGEROUS SIOH. Maybe he living under my blk voiddeck.

date :

donate rice to the poor by using your vocabulary.

date : Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jeslynn P.


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