date : Thursday, November 27, 2008
I'm still like so carefree, not having a job yet. x;
Yesterday, went over to City Hall's Peninsular Shopping Centre first. Laogong bought 2 tees from there and we went walking around that area. It's my first time there, cause nobody ever bring me there. ): Then we walked over to Raffles city. And i thought i saw the ugliest Christmas tree. hahas, because all the lights were not turn on. After that we walked to Marina Square. Starbuck, Sesame street, dinner. :D Yea, i watched the Sesame Street before, but i dont mind watching it again.
**Note : Tartar sources is 20 cent EACH. at long john silver. ):
Then went to Topman and bought for Laogong that Beanie he wanted. We trained home after that. (: hahas, i've cut short the whole day!
date : Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy 18th anniversary w Laogong x3.weeeee, i stay at home and watched tv all day. :D
Job please.
date : Friday, November 21, 2008
Omg, another tiring day. Went out w Farna, Jiahao, Jeremy and Jiechoong to find jobs in Toy r'us. Duh, i was late. Sorry, i didnt know i bathed so long. x; First outlet was the one at Novena, filled in the application form and went off. There were like a whole stack of filled application form clipped together. Getting the job was like a fat hope. D: So decided to go to a bigger outlet at Suntec city. We walked a long way there. ): and my heels got stuck and i though it's over. But. it's alright. :D However when we reached Suntec's Toy r'us, there wasnt any vacancy. IDIOT OUTLET. So had to proceed back to Marina to fill up Jiahao's and Farna's stomach.
There was Sesame Street programme going on at 7pm, so we stayed a while more to catch it. A local band was singing and i started noticing the Elmo which was on sales. 20% off for that giggling elmo. Looking at ppls playing w it was damn funny cause they scare that the elmo was going to fall off. After about 4 songs, the programme started and Elmo came on stage. The body was like not proportional as the legs looked longer. When that Elmo laughed, he will shake his leg in and out. x; Cookie Monster was like damn fat lahs. When it's running, you can see the stomach moved up and down, like bouncing. xDD The banana thingy and they Orange-skinned looked normal. Big bird didnt appear, same for the rubbish bin guy.
After that had to walk back to station and took the train home. TIRED. ):
date : Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Aw, no more Cotton on. D:
Their interview was like first-come-first-serve thing. The internet wrote that the interview time was from 9am to 1pm. and 3pm to 6pm. i met Fionne about 4.45 at bishan, but Farna went their earlier. So she called. " ehs ! the interview over alr ! I go then they say close, no more. " So Fionne, laogong and I wasted a trip down there. ): Saw Farna when we just reached Bugis.
AHAHA, Fionne was like hinting that laogong is fat !
Cause she said "why you all keep eating." & " walk can exercise mahs. "
After Bugis, we went down to Orchard and met WJ. So we walk and walk and walk...
;P Stay awhile at Starbuck and Baby said that WJ is weird uncle. x; went up Cineleisure and walked, after which, we went home.
Surprisingly, we were in the same train w Farna. ;D
date : Monday, November 17, 2008

This is real, this is me. I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be. Now, gonna let the light, shine on me ... " -opps.
Yah, i found my USB to connect to the desktop already.

My baby with her Fastfood i sew yesterday.

& now, this was what i had done today- a slice of cake. Suppose to have another 5 more slice, but that is going to take a long time. D:
Well, actually going to Seoul Garden today with Laogong, JM, MS and A. A was broke, JM and MS was ton-ing outside so they surely cant wake up. Giving her a call wont help, so i didnt. In the end, i'm still at home.
boohooohoo. I wondered if JM woke up? cause she didnt give me a msg to ask about today.
date :
Arghs, i cant find my USB to transfer a picture. ): Anyway i spent my whole afternoon and night sewing a burger, drink and fries. I must be proud of myself, though i spent such a long time. My baby must be feeling so contented that she had her own personal food that
i cant eat. All the cloth was given in a box and shape was given as a guide for you to cut, and all i must do was to sew it up. I still have 3 more boxes to go. ( donut, cake and er ... ? )
I'm going for a interview for Cotton On on the 18th w Fionne and WJ. Laogong is tagging along :D hopefully i can get the job, start early and have something to do instead of slacking at home.
date : Saturday, November 15, 2008
I've cut my hair, back to the normal old look. (: the stupid unskilled aunty said my hair is dry ! I supposed that it's her hand that is too rough. x;
date : Friday, November 14, 2008

:D O's had finally ended. But i spent my last day of O's at home, playing audtion and sleeping. Didnt went out this few days. ): Anyway, i'm so picky. This job dont want, that job also dont want. I dont know what i really one. x; I wanna have fun.
date : Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hehes. This is my fluff art from Fackbook. (:
date : Friday, November 7, 2008
Went over to Marina Square's John Little to fill in application form with Farna and Jiahao. ;D But as we were there, there was also another 7 ppls filling in the form. Aiseh, cannot get the job for guarantee alr. ): Ate LongJohn and went over to Orchard Lucky plaza for a game of pool. But all the 3 of us didnt buy IC, so had to wait for Laogong to come over. Before that the 3 of us had 2 games of Daytona. (?) I was the last for the first game cause i was too action alr, dont know how to do the manual control then i select that. x; So the 2nd game i won because i choice AUTO. Dont know they realize not. x; HAHAS. After the pool, Jiahao and Farna went to Hereen, laogong and i went back home!
Went to meet laogong outside Civil centre Mcd as he didnt went for his lesson because he was alr late. Jiamin and Meisim came too.
anyway, i'm back to audition. Give me money, i wanna change my ign. ):
date : Monday, November 3, 2008
My major O's paper ended !
rejoice ! (:
But i had great phobia that my Source based question will did badly. Anyway, it's over. My handwritting sucks as i wrote against the time. Somemore, there was a black flying insect flying around the lights. i wondered if anyone saw that.
Alright, first of all,
Happy birthday to both my chairperson ! Farhanah and Roy. Finally they had turned 16th. So after exam, i went bad home and bath to prepare to meet laogong. We went to Causeway point as usual to catch a movie. There wasnt much movie there, so we watch "The coffin" It wasnt a nice movie. So better dont watch it. The ghost wasnt that scary like other horror movie. Bad movie ! Had my dinner at the Foodcourt beside the cinema. Laogong said that i had a small stomach. I ALWAYS HAVE ! I'm only good at eating random food. ;D If i had a small stomach, isnt it good for you, since you have to pay lesser, feed me lesser. hahas. Althought laogong brought 2 prata, it cost him nearly $4 for that, because he brought the Egg and Cheese ones.
Filling up the stomach made me had more energy! Lols, after that we went outside Arcade and was looking at 2 aunty playing with the candy machine. Whereby the machine scooped the candy up and drop the candy on the moving platform and see if it will push the candy down, inorder to obtain it. They had a full bag of it, plus some soft toys. Man, are they trying to be Santa claus and preparing for Christmas ? Walking around Causeway point was a boring route so we skipped it and went over to admiratly as Laogong wanted to buy his contact lens. This time, he brought the Green ones. I wonder if he will look like a cat with green eyes. LOLs, as his usual contact lens colour was grey or blue.
So we bid goodbyes at Sembawang station with a kiss and went home. ;D Do you know when was the last time i was him before today ? It's the previous friday, not that friday which had just past. So i didnt met him for 9 days. Well, during these day, my mood wasnt that good toward him. Cause i didnt see him mahs!
i've gotten a bad new from Meiyin. Miss Gan was hoping that we could return back for training! oh my, oh my. I cant run now ! D: i had algaes growing in me, or prehaps rusting.
Sorry, my loves for Netball had changed.