date : Friday, February 27, 2009
I met up with Meiyin at around 5pm at Causeway to look for Fionne and Cs present. Before Meiyin reached, i saw Shuluan and some netballers. Actually she was the one that saw me first (: Had a little chat and they had to go.
bought the present and we had to take the train from woodlands to Paris ris. boohoho. Long journey though. I thought there was some bus straight to Paris ris. We had to stand after proceeding to the green line till the end. ):
Took bus and then started eating after reaching the chatlet. Wasnt able to stay till 12am for Fionne's cut cake session as we wont be able to get any train back.
So Meiyin and I left at 10pm. Journey back home was a lot more faster.
date : Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy birthday to my Father (: + Chee siong.
My parent and I went over to Marina Square to meet my eldest brother. We had Hot Pot Culture for dinner. It was something like a buffet but you can also order dishes which was cook by those chef. Each person $19.90. My second brother came along later. Too bad, my third bro was in the camp. hahas!!
In those picture, half of it, my father face was blur as he kept on eating and eating. Had Fondue for our dessert. Their ice cream scoop wasnt sweet to be call ICECREAM. ):
After our dinner, we went over to play bowling. Both my parents were first timer. but i lost to them, so i was the last la! My mother was 2nd and father was third. Eldest bro was the first. I'm too tired after eating the dinner la, so i lost. ;P
Reached home at 11 plus.
date : Monday, February 23, 2009
Went out to watch Pink Panther 2 with Meiyin. She was late and i was even later than her. hees. We went over to AMK and bought the tickets. The queue was going slowly and we were late a few minutes. After movie, Jiahao came and joined us.
Jiahao likes the headband as he kept on touching it, saying that it looked like panties. hohos. There wasnt much place to walk around in the hub, so we went out to search for out place of dinner.
Craped with Jiahao and i reminded him of something we talked during sec 3 Chinese class. Meiyin listened and laughed with us. (:
Only Jiahao knows how to crap with me niaaaa. That's why he called me besties.
Ended up eating Suki sushi where the normal plates are 99cents. Meiyin ate the most. I used my 5 coins to pay which empty my purse. ( because we bought popcorn and drinks during the movie) Jiahao helped me to pay my gst+service charge.
I thought that i ate very little, but my stomach feel like busting. ):
Then we trained home.
date :
Omg, i'm extremely hungry now.
i should have listen to laogong to turn in early.
Everyone had offline. ): Jiahao and Farna off -ed at the same timing ? ;o
Ended up. I had nobody to talk to. Boo.
I thought my friends were owl, but it seems like they aint.
10 years of education was over, and now another 3 years are coming on April.
& laogong is saying that after his NS and my poly, we shall go over to the ROM. After that apply PR for Australia, and study our degree over there.
It sounded so nice, but economy is going down, where to get money.
[ you can see that i'm such a lazy person. November, December, January and now February. What had i earn in this 4 month ? A pathetic $125. but i just dont feel like working. ]
i've cut my finger nails. It looked so short, so small, so squary, that i'm not used to looking at it. But the advantage was that i dont need to type on my nails. My nails wont stuck in between the keys when i'm using laptop. (:
Time: 3.36am
Laogong was already asleep 1 hour ago. He didnt msged me after we hung up the phone ! such a pig ! i'm into reading storybook mood now a days. I slept at 5am ytd because after hanging up the phone at 2.30am, i went on to read the book. Woke up at 1.30 pm, ate my lunch, watched some tv and went to my room to continue my reading. Feeling tired, i went to sleep again till 5pm. So now, i'm so energetic.
No, i'm not.
I lied. { i dont see the point of telling a lie here. -.- }
My head is feeling heavy.
i got to sleep.
Meeting Meiyin and Jiahao { as he already comfirm w me } later to watch movie.
I hope i wont be ugly.
I hope i wont be late. x;
Jiamin might turn up if she change her mind.
& Jeanice DOESNT wants to come. baddie. { to think that i wanna ask you along }
goodnight peeps. {
laogong must be dreaming of me. ;D }
date :
22 Dec 08.
Happy 21th month anniversary with laogong (; Suddenly, i dislike growing up ):
Poly is troublesome and i'm so alone.
date : Friday, February 20, 2009
Title : Walao, cant imagine i didnt blog for days. ;D
16 Dec 08Finally laogong's module started and he was back to studying. While me, ROT AT HOME. ;B Supposed to meet friends and after that meet laogong at Orchard, but i was damn lazy. So i only ended up reaching Orchard at 5.45 pm.
Went around orchard to look for wallet but laogong bought his first ! not fair. Printed out 2 photo to be placed in our wallet, which cost him $4 already + the plastic lamination. After 1 hours plus, we train back home. TIRED. [ head rotting]
17 Dec 08Laogong helped me to buy a wallet. till now, i have no idea how my wallet looks like. LOLs.
I was at home watching The concerto,
协奏曲. The guy died at eposide 7 which made it no point of watching the rest of the eposide.
And now i'm watching Hana Kimi, 花樣少年少女.
2 years ago drama. ):
date : Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wee wee, Happy Valentine day.
Valentine day celebration's location : East coast park
Purpose : Picnic ;D
I woke up at 11pm as laogong said that he wanted me to be as earlier as possible to reach his house. My head was heavy as last night i think i was excited about today? So i slept at 4.30am. ;o
I reached laogong's house at 2pm, but i still looked like i had a sleepy eyes. Did preparation of the picnic food at laogong's house. He was doing most of the stuff. x; And at one point of the time he asked me to use the comp while he do it alone. ;P All i did was the washing part.
Gotten ready by 4pm and there we went.

Laogong said he wanted "Picture for the day "
Bought CoffeeBean's Ice Signature Chocolate and proceed to the interchange for the bus. Ahhhh, laogong picked up $2 notes from the ground. hahas, and he wanted to buy 4D [ last 4 serial number of the note]. Took out the new mp3 [ Valentine present] we shared and listened to it. Laogong even put some movies in it. ;D
Reached East coast and we managed to find a table for picnic. ;D But everywhere around us were people. ):
Zhuzhu at the back, MewMew[gift to laogong], Baby and my gift.


He liked to take it sideway.
i was eating my tuna bread.
Wind blow blow =.=
Baby popped out, interuped us...
Teeth out ;B
He said this was nice.
;D with lightstick.
AGAIN. Watched parts of the movie and decided to proceed back home. NO WIND WAS BLOWING ANYMORE AT NIGHT. It was damn humid. Both of us were sticky. EEEEEks.
We went into a pet shop in Parkway parade and laogong wanted that 2 twin Japanese dog.
[ I think he wants to buy for me laaaaa, then he didnt mention only. hoho ! ]
Journey home. Only get to sit together at the last 15 mins. Alighted at Marsiling.

I ate sour plum. x;
He wanted lollipop.
He was shy in this pic as he said that lot of ppls were looking at him. HEE !
First attempt. bad shot. 
AND FINALLY our Best Picture. (:
Reached home by 11.15pm.
Overall, we had a wonderful day, haven we ? x3
date : Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Appeal result was out and i'm now posted to NYP - business management.
Booo, only a few WRS-ian going there.
Now i had long nails but the nail polish had been chipping off and i'm lazy to remove it, then repaint it.
Thinking that i'll be able to collect my $162.50 this friday, it's not ! ): The girl was sick again and i had to collect my pay on next tuesday. Walao ehs, 8 lesson took me so many weeks to complete it.
Anyway, Valentine coming, hope there will be pictures to post. ;D
date : Monday, February 2, 2009
12 Jan 08 alright, shall post my result now. ):
my L1R4 was 17, L1R4 + cca was 14 [This was what the letter stated, but now the appeal website told me i gotten 15 w cca bonus]
I wasnt really satisfied w my result as i had 2 A's , 1 B's and 4 C's. I cant believe my biology was C6 and humans was C5. ==
i believe i was self-contented when i saw that my points was 14. [ which was like self- deceiving]. I wasnt praised by my family, as my mother and eldest brother didnt know whether it was a good/bad score when i first told them. But at least Laogong told me i did well already ;D
Travelled all the way to Cityhall, just to have our dinner at Thai express. Was with Farna, Fionne, Joyce, Jasmine, Boonhong, Cheesiong and Hongc. After that Farna and i was feeling tired and wanted to leave first but the rest were leaving too. So we trained to Marina direction and bouced back.
22 Jan 08. Happy 20th Anniversary with Laogong gong. ;P lovelovelove x3
We didnt had much money in our pockets. ): So the day was to accompany me out for CNY clothes. ;DDDD
As you see, we dont gift each other on monthly anniversary i guessed, only on yearly.
25 Jan 08 - 27 Jan 08Boooo, this year reunion dinner had good food at home. (: cause my eldest brother bought the Steamboat w the tepanyaki thingy. Had to eat steamboat in the afternoon first with my father as he was going to work. After that ate another round for dinner w my mother. So this year reunion dinner didnt really ate together. x;
I'm turning fat !
Went over to my father side for day 1 and mother side for day 2. Gambled, but the money remains the same. So overall, i didnt win or lose. What a New year.
Happy Ox Year to all . ;D Ox year = must work harder.
28 Jan o8. Supposed to bring Oranges to laogong house but his father told him we should wait for his mother to be at home at the same time. Stayed around at CWP for a while and went over to Laogong's cousin house. His cousin and friends were playing blackjack. Laogong lost a few dollars. Had steamboat at there and took taxi back to Sembawang at around 8 plus. Met up w Jun at Mos. After awhile laogong sent me home and he said he wanted to come up to my house. x; So finally i told my mother and he came up (: My mother didnt say much. Gave him angpow and drank some soup.Laogong came only for awhile as he was going to meet James at Civic.
Walao, heart-pumping-moment for my mother to see him. hahas. x;
29 Jan 08.Besties outing (:
ME, Meiyin, Jeanice, Fionne, Hongc, Jiahao, Minghong, Jeremy.
Jiamin was MIA, Alize going over to dennis hse.
Met up with Meiyin, Jiahao,hongc and minghong first at Woodland station. Had some nice chat there while waiting for Minghong. Jeremy was already at MarinaS, Fionne was transferred there for work and Jeanice was meeting us late.
Meiyin was already having a empty stomach, so we went over to Secret recipe for some cakes. Meiyin ate Cabbage. x; [ garden salad ] hahahas. but then we ended up feeling full. The guys was like talking about nano atoms and laughing while meiyin and I sat there and continued eating. Maybe there was a transparent glass separating our tables. ;x
Walked around MS. Hongchiong wasted $2 for trying to catch those soft toys. x; still wanna me to trust him that he could do it. hahas.
Jeanice was lost. She stood at Marina bay alone for 1 hour and couldnt contact us as her phone was down at that moment. Luckily she accidentally dropped her phone and she was able to contact us again. (: She told me that someone { jeremy the greatest} told him that we were going Marina bay, instead of MS. After she reached Cityhall, i had to give her direction to reach MS. hmmphs. Had NewYork NewYork for dinner after Fionne was released from work. Went over to Esplanade awhile and went home. (:
30 Jan 08. *vibrate ~ * 7.00am
Jiahao : Hello, you are sleeping arhs ? where are you posted to ?
Jes : hur, wait arhs.
-Check my msg-
Jes : Walao, i got into NP, leisure and business facilities mgt. you ?
Jiahao :SP, Business IT luhs, i thought you will also get in. Jeremy and hongc get into SP,Clean energy.
Jes : sian lahs.
Jiahao : ok lahs, you continue sleep luhs.
T.T after that i went to cry. and called laogong. At first when he picked up, he thought he accidentally called me and wanted to call me back later, but he heard my cries. x; so he suddenly felt so awake. Thanks laogong, for being there for me. i really love you. i went to bath and cab down to laogong's hse at around 11am. i told the taxi uncle the wrong block and luckily i asked the uncle, when was he going to U-turn. So only wasted $1 for the wrong way. My mind was wanting to say block 371, but the words that came out from my mouth was 317. Had lunch at the coffee shop and went up to his house for the whole day. Anyway i was actually having tuition teaching, but i msg the Mum and reported sick. x;
I wasnt crying at laogong's house. Slept with him awhile, helped him to cut his finger nails, watch tv together with him. I spent the longest hour in his house today. Left his house at 9 plus, bank in money, and went home.
31 Jan 08 Went to Shangri-la hotel with Farna but we missed the interview timing. == Jeremy didnt tell me what time must we reach. arghs. and we wasted $4.80 on the taxi fare to Shangri-la. Think i'm not going to work there liaos bahs. Continued to be a pig at home. x;
Farna went to meet her friend while i trained home. Didnt remove my makeup and went to sleep as my head was feeling heavy. ):