date : Friday, May 29, 2009
LI felt like i'm turning into an old woman as the second hand moves.
I found myself growing fatter now a days due to my abnormal eating habit. And laogong agreed. So, I trying to work out abit since no one was at home. I did some crunches, push-up and jumped 5 star jump. Did some stretching and tada ! i'm off for a run. But i ran for 2 mins and went back home. hahahs. Was too tired. So ! Not exercising for almost 1 year isnt a good thing.
Rest, and even fell asleep for 10mins. Rest again and gotten changed. I went to NTUC and bought the Spagatti sauce and HL Milk. Was on the phone with laogong on the way to Sunplaza and back home.
Cooked my Spagatti and wasnt very full ! ( which was a good thing, i didnt know that i cooked such a small portion only ) I wanna be health and strong girl ! ;D
Lets talked about my life in NYP for every Friday.
- We got to be in the Tutorial room by 8am. - [which totally sucks and even sucks for those coming from WEST & EAST ]
- We will be having 2 hour break for lunch - [ We went out of school to either AMK or J8 for a meal. We will be travelling more than these 2 place in the future. ]
- We cant concentrate on the lecture after that - [ Either too full or too tired]
- We slack around in the library lehpak corner/ hotcafe. -[ because it's friday ? ]
So today, J8. The food court food was a expensive one. D: The Hokkien mee cost me $4.80 which i can eat 2 plate at coffee shop and will be much more delicious. D: 2 classmate tried to catch the soft toys inside the machine and failed. Everyone was so excited but the machine was a cheater. hahas. 1 and half hour passed like that and we went back to school ~ It was a hot hot day ~
After lecture, a few of us, around 9 people, walked to AMK. First thing was Food. I ate a Chocolate waffle.(fats) and went homeeeee. Some stayed, some went home.
Today was a better Friday, because the 8am tutorial was cancelled and we only need to be in school by 10.10. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE !
date :

Do we looked like we were graduating ? Fat hope lahs, still got 2 years ++. Damn it, I gotten C+ for my Effcom ICA 1. Wth ~ Why must i be in the C categories ;O The teacher even thought that my Speech was real, and she thought i was going to cry. i'm not! Let me clarify it again, my formal speech was a FAKE one. Maybe i put too much emotional into it. opps.
This time, i'm going to prepare my informal speech really well. & not doing the speech outline at the last minutes. [ My formal speech was done 3 days before the presentation day. ;x ]
I'm actually VERY FREE on my weekends since i spent all the time at home using computer.Weekdays are just normal. School, lunch and home. Days are getting better. But getting more exhausted at the same time.
As for my boyf, we just met randomly during weekdays for dinner and went home after that. He's too busy. ;/
date : Friday, May 22, 2009

YAY~ Title tells you everything ! & it is baby's 24th birthday. We went to North point's Swenson and the service was damn bad. D: We gotten a unfavourable seat as the sun shore at us when we were eating our Icecream. arghs arghs arghs. We were really tired. Just walked around at North point and SSC, after that, home sweet home.
Love love ! Let's save money and buy each other present. ;P
Friday's lesson are really tiring. The information given were too heavy for me. ICA for MicroEcons coming up on Tuesday. Arghs.
date : Thursday, May 21, 2009
Everyone put too much focus on Effective communication's presentation and totally didnt care about Stats tutorial. The girls spent the 1 hour lunch time just to get ready ( makeup etc. ) for the 3 mins formal presentation. hahahas. Cool right, i didnt know we spent so much time in the toliet. ;x
So, presentation was separated into 3 sets by our register number. I was the 2nd set and 8th person. Idk, my legs kept on moving around. Just cant stand straight.
OH YA, THE WHOLE SPEECH WAS A FAKE STORY OKAYYYY. I dont have speaking difficulties. ;D In between each sets, there were 15 mins break and they whole class was like taking pictures.
I hoped i was the few that gotten A's . B's is alright for me too. ;DD
like what T.Jiahao said, " GPA must get >3.5 ! "
After the lesson ended, we seems like we are graduating soon. Took class photo and everything. ;D
I changed to my Netball tee and everyone was like " eh ! " Because i suddenly became so unformal while there were still in their formal clothing.
hmms, I was really excited to go back to WRS to play Netball with the juniors. Afterall, i hadnt touch the Netball ever since I stepped down for O'level. But god wasnt on our side. By the time i went into the school gate with Enqi, i started raining like hell. omgzxzxz lahs.
wasted trip. Shoes got wet D;
So, went home for dinnerrr ! Pictures coming up next time ;D please wait.
date : Sunday, May 17, 2009

Alize ! You can see my photo now. ;D Is it better than the one you took and place it in your blog?
Ahhh, my life seems to be so simple now. ;D
maybe i'm just lazy to blog.
Oh ya, i was late 30 mins for Friday's lesson. hahahs. Damn random. ;P
tada - will be back soon.
date : Monday, May 11, 2009
D: Haven been really doing my tutorials. Time is so short.
Althought i didnt go out on weekends, i only completed my Accounting. The rest of the time, i was watching We Got Married ( Kim Hyun Joong parts).
Oh my ! Cute/hot guy. ;P
Comm'on lesser tutorials please. Haven meet laogong since Wednesday. ;O
Do you miss me ?
date : Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy 17th Birthday to YAPJIAMIN. (: but birthday girl didnt turn up for bbq surprise. ;O So it's a gathering for us.Hees, our Chicken Chop cool right ? Just that a little part of the chicken was raw. i like the potato too. ;D i wanna eat again. Did some catching up of our life in school. To me, they are having lots lots of fun in school ! Let's meet up soon !
&& The fire were started by Alize, Meiyin and MEEEE ! hees. The fire started so smoothly ;D
Omg, i was out the whole day. Morning till 11pm reached home. nonono i did went home to change clothes + using comp. ;P
A little more pics are in my Facebook (:
date : Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday should be the happiest day among weekdays but ..... D:
Oh, lecture ended about 1 hour earlier and we had so much free time ! Actually, we wanted to tag along w the others, but pufffffffff, they disappeared into thin air. Jolene and I lost the them. ;O
So, turned back and we went along with JP,Shawn and Khairul. && the guy selling thumb drive in the Shopping arcade is another weirdo! omgosh. Then Shawn kept giving that funny face. hahahas. Jolene and I went out of the shop first, because i cant tahan that guy alr !
Yea, so Khairul got appointment, dont know why Shawn wasnt going. Left Junping, Jolene and I. We went over to Dhody ghaut to catch the movie, X-men. Bought sushi, chocolates and Raffles chip in. woah, like picnic right ? but dont know why i had stomach ache, so i went to the toilet twice and didnt return. Cause i fainted ;x
( no lahs ! ;DDD Cause i dont have anymore mood to watch the ending, and went to find laogong who was waiting outside for me. )
Asked Jolene to take my bag out for me. ;D and they went home after that. Laogong and I walked abit and settled down at LJ sliver. Helped me some AFA but he didnt do this type of format before. So in the end, no help from him! lols.
Train-ed home was really tiring. DD:
date : Friday, May 1, 2009
Once again, Laogong and I went to ECP. ;DD but this time we cycled ! ECP was really crowded that we had to wait for people to return their bicycle. Their bicycles were almost cleared in those stores. Waited for 2-3 bicycles to return, then finally it was out turn to get the bicycle. hohos. We took the double bicycle. I didnt cycle double seat ones before.

Two pictures above were taken when we were cycling. hahahs. Our hair went flying in all direction ! hmms, so we settled down at the jetty around area D-E. Sometimes, the wind was cool. Sometimes, the wind was hot. Perhaps the wind was sick.

I asked him to act cute. but he failed. hahas.
Baby on my arm. ;D and my dirty leg. x; ( we didnt fall down hors.)

Big aeroplane.
;0 bad picture.
Baby never fail to turn up ;P

Ahhhhh, so many pictures of laogong rightttttt. He never offers to help me take picture. hmmphs. I wasnt angry when one of the page was torn. D; Just normal reaction DD; But you took it so seriously DDD;
So continued to cycle to area E, F and G before we u-turn. Oh ya, the chain came off twice. Because of me x; Power mahs. lols. Returned the bicycle on time because most of the time, laogong was cycling alone. And i just put my legs up on the stand. ;0 I'm not lazy hors.
Had dinner at Marine Parade hawker centre. Mutton soup and Pig soup. When the pig soup reached out table, i suddenly rmb Swine flu. opps. I'm still one health girl. ;D Walked around the shopping centre and took bus back to Woodlands. Ate takoyaki at the pasa malum and i took the train back home.
lalas, anyway, in the bus trip back and forth laogong fell asleep, but i was wide awake. wow! hees. cycling is part of sports. That means, I had done some exercising ;D